Jonathan takes part of blame for failed attempt to rescue European expatriates.
President Goodluck Jonathan said he would take some of the responsibility for a failed hostage rescue attempt in which an Italian and a British man died in Sokoto.
President Jonathan said the Nigerian authorities had worked with intelligence agencies from Britain and other countries in the failed rescue operation.
Kidnappers last Thursday killed two European expatriate Franco Lamolinara and Chris McManus while a raid to free them was under way.
The case drew criticism from the Italian government, who questioned the British authority on why Rome was not consulted before the operation, which was launched by Nigerian forces with support from Britain.
Britain said it had not been possible to inform Italy of the operation until it was under way because of the fast moving situation on the ground and the “imminent and growing danger” to the hostages’ lives.
President Jonathan said the raid on the hide out of the Kidnappers was initiated after conversations between the captors were intercepted.
He said the hostages had been moved several times and there were fears they would be taken out of Nigeria.
The President said the escape of one of the alleged kidnappers during an arrest the day before the failed rescue attempt also raised fears that McManus and Lamolinara would be killed.
He said he was not aware of any demand for a ransom, or of any ransom payment having been made.
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